Steven Nguyen

 Hello Universe 



Hi folks, I'm a recent graduate from the University of Michigan with a B.S.E. in Computer Science.

Project management and creating accessible applications to help people in their daily lives are two things I'm highly interested in. I have a solid technical background in user-interface design, full-stack web and mobile development, and software engineering.

I like to be active in my free time by going to the gym, boxing, bouldering, hiking, and visiting new areas. I also enjoy volunteering for local communities and serving as a mentor to students.



⌨️ Languages

Python JavaScript C++ C Java Markdown HTML5 CSS3 Shell Script Swift Go LaTeX

🤖 Hosting / SaaS

Vercel Netlify DigitalOcean Glitch AWS Firebase Heroku

🖼️ Frameworks, Platforms, and Libraries

React React Router Redux Bootstrap jQuery Vue.js Flask SASS NPM NodeJS Django Yarn

💻 Servers


💽 Databases

SQLite MySQL Postgres

🎨 Design

Figma Canva Adobe Audition Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Adobe XD

🛠️ Other

Jira Confluence Notion ESLint Postman Trello

Straight from my GitHub README
